Wednesday, 9 December 2015


Yesterday we went on a wonderful outing to the nearby small field. The older children got to practice their gross motor skills by walking all the way there and back again. After a yummy and healthy snack the children went exploring. They were very happy to find some ice which almost looked like pieces of glass.
Lpfö 98: "develop their motor skills. Ability to co-ordinate, awareness of their own body, as well as an understanding of the importance of maintaining their own health and well-being"

Monday, 30 November 2015


                                                       ‘’Turkey Craft’’

We started our day by introducing the Thanksgiving Tradition and telling the importance of it. We thanked all our friends for helping us and our parents who help us in many things everyday. We also watched a small video to tell why we celebrate this day.
Later we made the Turkey hats where each of the lilly thanked his/her parent.

We’ve been working with the following goals:

To feel the sense of participation in their own culture and develop a feeling of respect for other cultures.
develop their use of spoken language, vocabulary and concepts, as well as the ability to play with words, relate something, express their thoughts, put questions, and put forward their arguments and communicate with others
develop their creativity to build and construct things using different material and techniques.

Thursday, 26 November 2015


                          “Nobel Day Literature Project’’    

Lilies started their Nobel Day Literature Project by starting to create our very own books by choosing their favorite characters and creating small stories about them. We had a lot of fun!

We’ve been working with the following goals:


develop their use of spoken language, vocabulary and concepts, as well as the ability to play with words, relate something, express their thoughts, put questions, and put forward their arguments and communicate with others
develop an interest in pictures, texts and different media, as well as the ability to make use of, interpret and talk about them

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Preposition words

The other day we did an activity with Tulips where the children got to place an object on, under and beside the table. The Tulips did a great job!

Monday, 16 November 2015


We talked about different feelings that we experience in our lives. We looked at different situations when we are happy, sad, surprised and angry. We also connected it to our stories done so far like Pigs were scared of the Big Bad wolf and dwarfs were sad when Snow White went in deep sleep,  Hansel and Gretel were happy to see the Ginger Bread house in the forest, 3 bears were surprised to see the broken chair and empty bowl of porridge etc 

We’ve been working with the following goals:

develop their creative abilities and the ability to convey impressions,thoughts and experiences in many different forms, such as play,pictures,song and music,dance and drama
develop their use of spoken language, vocabulary and concepts, as well as the ability to play with words, relate something, express their thoughts, put questions, and put forward their arguments and communicate with others

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Sense of sight

Yesterday we did an activity with the children where they got to test the sense of sight. They were given a magnifying glass, a kaleidoscope and an empty toilet paper roll. The Tulips got to try looking through the different objects; what could they see, how did it vary? The children had a lot of fun testing their vision.


The Sunflowers enjoying today's Swedish circle time. We are seeing a development every week in each child's Swedish language skills. 

Develop a rich and varied spoken language and the ability to communicate with others

Sunday, 8 November 2015


                                               “ FEELER BOX ACTIVITY “

Lilies enjoyed doing a very interesting sensory activity where they were  shown  blocks of different shapes and then they were put  in the box where children had  to touch and guess the shape of each block. 
Lilies also tried to count the number of objects kept in the box by touching and counting.

We’ve been working with the following Lpfö goals:

develop their use of spoken language, vocabulary and concepts, as well as the ability to play with words, relate something, express their thoughts, put questions, and put forward their arguments and communicate with others
develop an interest in pictures, texts and different media,as well as the ability to make use of,interpret and talk about them 

Friday, 6 November 2015

Outdoor art!

The sunflowers were invited to make artwork using different kinds of natural materials they found in the yard. 
Develop their creative abilities and the ability to convey impressions, thoughts and experiences in many different forms, such as play, pictures, song and music, dance and drama 

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Trick or treat

Yesterday we celebrated Halloween together with the children. Part of this was doing trick or treat with the children. The Tulips got to use a fishing rod to fish for some yummy treats!

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

The sense of touch

The tulips are now working with the five senses. Last week we focused on the sense of touch. We did one activity where the children got to sort different objects based on whether they were hard or soft. We also did another activity where we filled balloons with different materials. The Tulips got to feel the balloons to see if they could guess what was in them!

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Gross motor skills

Today the Tulip went on our weekly outing. This week we decided to go to the nearby small field. We brought hoola hoops, balls and a tunnel for the children to play with. Even though the weather was cold the Tulips managed to stay warm by moving, moving, moving!


Monday, 19 October 2015

Great parents reviews ! :-)


Sunday, 18 October 2015



Lilies were super excited to start their S​traw, Sticks and Bricks’ House Project today. First we talked about different ideas for creative and interesting houses and we talked about how T​he Big Bad Wolf destroyed the straw and the sticks house, but not the bricks one. We learnt that the bricks house is the strongest one. We collected some leaves and sticks in the morning while playing in the back yard and also prepared some carton boxes for our houses. ​W​e all enjoyed cutting and gluing different materials like small pieces of sticks and leaves . We used sugar cubes to make the house of bricks. They had so much fun making them real in a roleplay game.

We’ve been working with the following Lpfö goals: 
● develop their curiosity and enjoyment, as well as their ability to play and learn.
● develop their ability to build, create and construct using different techniques,
materials and tools
● develop their creative abilities and the ability to convey impressions,thoughts
and experiences in many different forms, such as play,pictures,song and
music,dance and drama
● develop their use of spoken language, vocabulary and concepts, as well as the ability to play with words, relate something, express their thoughts, put questions, and put forward their arguments and communicate with others

Tuesday, 13 October 2015


Today we went on an outing to our favorite spot; the boat park. The Tulips was climbing, running and playing in the sand. There was also another pre-school there so the children also got to practice their social skills!

Monday, 12 October 2015


For traditional Chemistry Day, Liles had a great time  doing  Simple Science Experiments -- Oil,Water and Food Colouring Mix,Do The Oranges Float or Sink in Water and Vinegar and Soda Explosion.  We tried to find out what happens when we put an orange  in a water container  with the peel and without and  were also curious to learn what happens when trying to mix oil and water with food colouring. The orange floats on the water surface with the peel because of numerous air pockets it has, but once without the peel it sinks to the bottom as it is now lighter. Once we mix oil and colouring it doesn’t mix,but when we put some water it mixes.  Vinegar and Soda Explosion was also a very interesting experiment where the chemical reaction produces a real explosion and came out. We had so much fun doing these simple scientific experiments!

We’ve been working with the following Lpfo goals:

develop their curiosity and enjoyment, as well as their ability to play and learn
develop their understanding of science and relationship to nature, as well as knowledge of plants, animals, and also simple chemical processes and physical phenomena

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Memory game

Today the Tulips got to play a fun game of memory. Since we have started working with feelings we decided to keep this as a theme and the memory cards showed pictures of different emotions. We went through the names of the feelings and then we started playing. The Tulips loved it!

Sunday, 4 October 2015


This Friday we talked about Solubles and Insolubles that means things that mix in water and few thugs  that doesn't mix in water.
Lilies did experiment by trying to mix different things in water like Sugar and Salt as Solubles and cornflakes snd chocolate chips to be Insolubles. They were surprised to see how things got mixed ( dissolved ) and were not seen any more. Questions like "where is the sugar cube"  and " I can see the cornflakes" showed that they understood the difference between the Solubles and Insolubles. 

Lpfo Goals :

Develop their ability to distinguish and explore, put questions about and talk about simple chemical processes and physical phenomena.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015


What can be happening at today's circle time? Be sure to ask your sunflower at pickup ☺️😉


Develop their self-autonomy and confidence in their own ability 

Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Yesterday we talked with the Tulips about different shapes. The children got to use different shapes to build a man. We also used an app on the iPad to practice the names of shapes and try to draw your own shapes. The Tulips had loads of fun!

Saturday, 26 September 2015


Friday was a special day for all the children in Futuraskolan because we had our traditional Futura Olympics! 
The Lilies went to the small field beside the school where they competed in different sports games just like in The Olympic Games. We first marched in a flag parade where all the children were holding their flags just like real sportsmen and afterwards we all competed in different games hoping to be the winners. First we raced together having so much fun and afterwards we  also competed in jump-inside-the-hula-hoop race and finished with our favourite spoon-and-lemon race. 
They even played a game of putting the ball in the basket from a distance.

The Lilies had a great time and were really good at  competing,running together and holding the lemons in the spoons. Ready,Steady,Go! Hurray!

We’ve been working with the following goals:
develop their motor skills, ability to co-ordinate, awareness of their own body, as well as an understanding of the importance of maintaining their own health and well-being
develop their curiosity and enjoyment, as well as their ability to play and learn

Friday, 25 September 2015


During Jolly Phonics, the Sunflowers learned about the "E" sound. They practiced doing the action and were invited to think of words that begin with "E" like elephant. They have also been developing their fine motor skills by writing the letter E on their white boards. 

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Construction room fun!

Last week the Tulips went over to the White House to explore some of their amazing theme rooms. They all had such a great time playing in the Construction room. Building, playing with sand and racing cars; who could wish for more!

Sunday, 20 September 2015


Warming up with Puppets

The lilies started warming up with real puppets using the hand and the finger puppets. They tried different puppets and after watching the teacher, they tried to introduce themselves. Some of them even modulated their voice to pretend to be the character. We also looked at some shadow puppets on the wall using our hands. We discussed about '' How does the puppets talk?'' and '' Where do they come from?'' The lilies enjoyed playing with their puppets and imitating to be them!!!
We’ve been working with the following goals
develop their curiosity and enjoyment, as well as their ability to play and learn.
develop their use of spoken language, vocabulary and concepts, as well as the ability to play with words, relate something, express their thoughts, put questions, and put forward their arguments and communicate with others.
develop an interest in pictures, texts and different media,as well as the ability to make use of,interpret and talk about them.

Thursday, 17 September 2015


Lilies started The Puppets Theme within Let’s Pretend IPC Unit by creating paper puppets. We started the theme by making simple stick puppets where the lilies painted a butterfly or bird or bumblebee and finished by decorating it and sticking their own pictures to make its face.

We have been working on the following  Lpfö:
develop their creative abilities and  the ability to convey impressions, thoughts and experiences in many different forms, such as play, pictures, song and music, dance and drama

Wednesday, 16 September 2015


This week as well as learning the new sounds the children have started to blend the sounds. They are doing a fantastic job and really enjoying the daily Jolly Phonics activities. We will provide more information about how you can help at home at the parents evening on Monday 28th September 18.00-20.00. 
Develop an interest in the written language and an understanding of symbols, and communicative function. 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Boat park outing

Today we defied the weather and went on an outing to the boat park. And this is what we found out: as long as you are wearing the right kind of clothes there is no such thing as bad weather! The Tulips had a lovely time exploring the boat park in the rain.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015


Today we will start a very positive, fun activity with the sunflowers. Two jars, one goal. During circle time and throughout the day/week we will try to move all the pasta pieces from the red jar to the yellow jar. How can we do this? Through positivity! We are working a lot throughout the day and during circle time on what friendship means and how we respect each other. Every time we say something nice to a friend or help them out a piece of pasta will move from the red jar to the yellow jar. When all the pasta pieces have moved from the red jar to the yellow jar the sunflowers will get to pick a fun activity which they want to do. This is a great and fun way to promote friendship and positivity throughout the group and life! Please note that once a piece of pasta has moved from the red jar to the yellow jar it can't go back!! The positive energy lasts for ever!! 

* develop openeness, respect, solidarity, and responsibility
* develop their ability to function individually and in a group, handle conflicts and understand rights and obligations, as well as take responsibility for common rules
* develop an understanding that all persons have equal value independent of social background and regardless of gender, ethnic affiliation, religion or other belief, sexual orientation or functional impairment 

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Library outing

Today we went on an outing to the library. The Tulips had a wonderful time exploring all the books. Some of them got to enjoy their first visit to the library. We also managed to find some books about the body; perfect for our theme "All about me"!

Monday, 7 September 2015


Language:Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs

Lilies had so much fun listening to Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs Story last Monday. We began our New IPC Theme for this school year Let's Pretend  by introducing this well-known and traditional fairy tale. We read the story by showing different flash cards  related to the fairy tale and asked questions like " Who is this? What is that? " to see how much  children can remember. Our Little Lilies were so excited  to see so many interesting flash cards and were so busy taking different cards  and looking  at their interesting pictures. Snow White, Seven Dwarfs,Evil Witch and Poisonous Apple suddenly became real!

We have been working on the following Lpfö goals:

“develop an interest in the written language and an understanding of symbols, and communicative function”
 “develop an interest in pictures, texts and different media, as well as the ability to make use of, interpret and talk about them” 

Monday, 31 August 2015


This week is our first week to work with our IPC theme, so we started the first day of the week with our entry point for the theme which is "All About Me". Our Tulips got to look at their own pictures and try to recognize which one was theirs. Afterwards we put up pictures on different spots in the classroom and the Tulips got to look for their own pictures, find them and give them to their teachers. 


Lilies: Library Outing

Lilies had so much fun visiting The Djursholm Library last Thursday. We started our trip by walking in our famous caterpillar and caught the bus to Djursholm Centrum. We enjoyed a delicious snack outside and went into the library soon afterwards. Our little Lilies were so excited to see so many books at one place and were so busy taking different books and looking through their interesting pages. We also tried to find some books we will need for our Let's Pretend Theme and had a great time reading all those new and fascinating books. 

We have been working on the following Lpfö goals:

“develop an interest in the written language and an understanding of symbols, and communicative function”
 “develop an interest in picture, texts and different media, as well as the ability to make use of, interpret and talk about them” 

The Sunflowers

Today during quiet time we introduced the children to our IPC theme "Clothes". We read the story of the "Emperor's New Clothes". All of the children got to play characters in the story as we brought it to life. You can find the story in all languages on line and at most libraries. 
Develop their creative abilities and the ability to convey impressions, thoughts and experiences in many different forms, such as play, pictures, song and music, dance and drama 

Friday, 28 August 2015

Jolly Phonics comes to our school!

We are introducing the Jolly phonics at the pre-school
What is Jolly Phonics?
Jolly Phonics is a fun and child centered approach to teaching literacy through synthetic phonics. With actions for each of the 42 letter sounds, the multi-sensory method is very motivating for children and teachers, who can see their students achievements.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Lilies - Capoeira

Capoeira Movements 
Today the Lilies had their first Capoeira class. Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, aerobics and music and is sometimes referred to as a game. It's the system of physical discipline and movement.
China, the teacher is from Brazil. He also did a short presentation of Capoeira for the class. The lilies were very excited and enjoyed the class thoroughly!

Develop their motor skills, ability to co-ordinate, awareness of their own body, as well as an understanding of the importlandet of maintaining their own health and well-being;

Develop their ability to function individually and in a group, handle conflicts and understand rights and obligations, as well as take responsibility for common rules

Monday, 24 August 2015

The Sunflowers

Welcome to the first blog entry of the new school year. The Sunflowers have spent the day enjoying the good weather while it lasts. This morning we enjoyed circle time outside and also had some fine motor skills crafts in the sunshine. 
LPFÖ 98 (rev.2010)
Develop their motor skills
Develop their curiosity and enjoyment, as well as their ability to learn. 

Friday, 7 August 2015

Welcome to a new school year!

Dear Futuraskolan parents & children
Welcome back to our wonderful pre-school!

I hope that you all had great vacations and that you had the chance to charge your batteries
and enjoy family and friends! There is nothing like summer!!
This is the start of a new school year and we are all very excited to meet your beautiful children again! We have several exciting themes, activities and traditions that we will be celebrating during this term and we are sure we will make this school year even better than the last one :-)

August is a month when a lot of new things happen: Many new children start at the pre-school (a lot of schooling-in:s), children start in their new groups, with new friends and teachers. We are all getting together and sharing our stories from the past summer.
We will be sending more information throughout august about our new themes and activities and we will start with our new Units from the IPC-curriculum on 1st september.
This will give time for the groups to settle down and be prepared.

Besides working with the swedish national curriculum Lpfö98 and the IPC- EY International primary curriculum early years, we will be working intensively with the Jolly phonics- Which is a playful method that focus on phonetics. More information will be given during parents meeting on the 28th september 18.00-20.00.

We will continue focusing on learning and healthy living.
Healthy body = Healthy soul = Healthy & Happy children= Great learning!!
Healthy eating is very important and we will be transforming the pre-school in a non-sugar pre-school. Of course we will continue to bake and have our celebrations with the children but we will be using fruits and honey instead of sugar. More information will be given in the parents meeting.We will even continue with our dance classes and Capoeira but we will also introduce Yoga in our daily activities.

I would like to remind all parents that
the pre-school will be closed on the 14th august  and 17th august
for kick-off and Staff development/planning day.
OBS: If you need childcare during these days, you have to contact me until 11th august!

Welcome back and fasten your seat belts!
Be prepared for a new and great journey
Best regards

Adriana Marx Norén

Dear Futuraskolan parents & children
Welcome back to our wonderful pre-school!

I hope that you all had great vacations and that you had the chance to charge your batteries
and enjoy family and friends! There is nothing like summer!!
This is the start of a new school year and we are all very excited to meet your beautiful children again! We have several exciting themes, activities and traditions that we will be celebrating during this term and we are sure we will make this school year even better than the last one :-)

August is a month when a lot of new things happen: Many new children start at the pre-school (a lot of schooling-in:s), children start in their new groups, with new friends and teachers. We are all getting together and sharing our stories from the past summer.
We will be sending more information throughout august about our new themes and activities and we will start with our new Units from the IPC-curriculum on 1st september.
This will give time for the groups to settle down and be prepared.

Besides working with the swedish national curriculum Lpfö98 and the IPC- EY International primary curriculum early years, we will be working intensively with the Jolly phonics- Which is a playful method that focus on phonetics. More information will be given during parents meeting on the 29th september 18.00-20.00.

We will continue focusing on learning and healthy living.
Healthy body = Healthy soul = Healthy & Happy children= Great learning!!
Healthy eating is very important and we will be transforming the pre-school in a non-sugar pre-school. Of course we will continue to bake and have our celebrations with the children but we will be using fruits and honey instead of sugar. More information will be given in the parents meeting.We will even continue with our dance classes and Capoeira but we will also introduce Yoga in our daily activities.

I would like to remind all parents that
the pre-school will be closed on the 13th august  and 14th august
for kick-off and Staff development/planing day.
OBS: If you need childcare during these days, you have to contact me until 11th august!

Welcome back and fasten your seat belts!
Be prepared for a new and great journey
Best regards

Adriana Marx Norén