School Policies


Futura International Pre-School Täby is an English-speaking pre-school for children ages 1-6. It opened on February 7, 2011 with a license for up to 100 children. Currently, it is divided in five different departments with each department having between 15-20 children and three pegagogs.  We have chosen to work with this Equality Policy for the school-year 2011-2012 and plan to review and revise it with volunteer PSA (Parents’ Support Association, a.k.a. föräldraråd) representatives and staff members in the fall 2012. 

Purpose with our Equality Policy 
The purpose of our Equality Policy is to ensure that we have clear guidelines about how we approach and prevent bullying, discrimination, harassment, and other abusive behavior.

To our children: Futuraskolan International Pre-School Danderyd will provide a safe environment in which you will all have the right to learn, grow and express yourself.  We will treat each of you equally, not accepting bullying, discrimination, harassment or any other abusive behavior. 

To our parents: At Futuraskolan International Pre-School Danderyd, parents and staff work together to create the best possible environment for our children to learn, develop and grow.  You should feel good about leaving your child in our care and feel as though you can bring forward any concern you might have.  At the same time, we want your support and help in creating a school that meets our Equality Policy. 

To our employees: As employees of Futuraskolan International Pre-School Danderyd, we bear the majority of the responsibility in ensuring our Equality Policy is followed.  This document not only protects our children and ourselves, it also provides expectations and guidelines for approaching various issues. 

Skolverkets definition of abusive behavior
Abusive behavior can exist in the form of discrimination, harassment, and other forms of abuse.  It creates a negative atmosphere and feelings of inequality.  Every situation and individual is unique and therefore each experience must be approached from the perspective of the people involved.;jsessionid=DBCD721D3C56CACB774A0E107 E777E2D 

 Law against Discrimination (2008:567) ”1§ The purpose of this law is to counteract discrimination and promote equal rights and opportunities regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion and other beliefs, disabilities, sexual preference or age.”

 Bullying​:  the act of intimidating, harassing, or humiliating another person
 Discrimination​:  unfair treatment of a person, racial group, minority, etc.; action based on prejudice
 Harassment​:  the act of tormenting by continued persistent attacks and criticism
 Abusive Behavior​:  characterized by physical or psychological maltreatment
 Goals 2015/2016: Futuraskolan International Pre-School Täby will prevent and stop discrimination on the basis of…

Subject:  Religion
Goal​:  Futuraskolan International Pre-School Täby will promote tolerance and respect for all religions and beliefs.  Method to reach the goal​:  We work together with families to celebrate religious traditions and we create a dialog with our children to learn about our different beliefs. 

Subject:  Gender/Sexuality
Goal​:  Futuraskolan International Pre-School Täby will acknowledge and accept gender difference without projecting gender stereotypes on our children.  We will show respect and tolerance for all sexual orientations.  Method to reach the goal​:  We encourage the exploration of gender, challenging traditional gender roles in a positive unbiased environment.  This environment will help to enable our children to discuss and ask questions about different lifestyles. 

Subject: Disabilities/Abilities
Futuraskolan International Pre-School Täby will include all children.  We want to prevent discrimination on the basis of their abilities or disabilities, both visible and invisible.  Method to reach the goal​:  We will adapt our activities so that children of all abilities can participate.  All children will have the opportunity to reach their potential socially, physically, intellectually, creatively and emotionally.  In accordance with the Swedish National Pre-School Curriculum (LpFö 98 rev. 2010) we will work together with parents to create an individual development plan for each child.

Subject: Ethnicity/Language 
Futuraskolan International Pre-School Täby will promote an understanding and tolerance of different ethnicities and languages.  No one should receive preferential or negative treatment based on ethnicity or language. Method to reach the goal​:  We will explore ethnicity within the school.  We will allow and encourage all children to participate in everything regardless of their language skills or ethnicity.

Others such as age, physical appearance, and social status 
Goal​:  There are more areas in which children and adults can be discriminated against, which is why we have this other category.  We do not allow any form of discrimination and promote inclusion and acceptance.   All children are unique and our practice will reflect this, bearing in mind that each child should have the same rights and opportunities.  Method to reach the goal​:  We use our differences as a tool to learn about the world we live in.  Our school is a microcosm of a developing and changing social fabric. 

 Division of Responsibilities
At Futuraskolan International Pre-School Danderyd, parents, children and staff are all responsible for making sure we are following the Equality Plan.

Once a year we will hand out a survey to parents that they can fill out anonymously, asking them how they feel about equality within the school.

Our pro-active work:
At Futuraskolan International Pre-School Danderyd, we work proactively to fight discrimination, bullying, harassment and abusive behavior through the following:
 ● Equality Plan Team​: Our Equality Team will be made up of PSA Representatives and staff members. Once a year volunteers for the Equality team are recruited and at that time the team is involved in writing and revising our Equality Plan.  Throughout the year, we continue to discuss general issues and concerns directly connected to our Equality Plan, both at the monthly PSA and staff meetings.
● Anti-Bullying Team​:  Our Anti-Bullying Team will made up of two staff members, who are also part of the Equality Team, along with the principal.  Our Anti-Bullying Team allows for employees to discuss specific situations that fall under the confidentiality law. 
● Individual Developmental Meetings​:  Once a term our pedagogs meet with the parents of each child in their department in order to discuss their child’s development and create a plan to further their development.  During this time, any problems or concerns can be discussed. 

Our plan of action against bullying, discrimination, harassment, and other abusive behavior. Futuraskolan has set up routines for preventing, discovering, investigating and acting upon abusive behavior, harassment or bullying. The plan includes situation in which:

Children are abusive to children
Adults are abusive to children
Children are abusive to adults
Adults are abusive to adults 

When children are abusive to children 
Any staff member that sees or becomes aware of abusive behavior, harassment or bullying between children will assess the situation and intervene if appropriate.  When the teacher intervenes, the child will be made aware that their behavior is hurtful and not tolerated in our school.  The head of the department will also be briefed about what has happened.
If parents feel their child is being exposed to abusive behavior, harassment or bullying from another child, they need to tell the child’s teacher or principal immediately.
If the issue is not solved or if the behavior is repeated, the process will be documented, the school´s principal will be informed, as will the parents to the children involved. A plan of action will be discussed.

 When adults are abusive to children 
Any staff member that sees or becomes aware of abusive behavior, harassment or bullying from an adult to a child will immediately intervene.  The staff member will diffuse the situation, take the adult aside, away from the children, and if possible discuss with a third neutral party present why their behavior is not tolerated at this school.  The principal will be informed and the incident will be documented. 
If the behavior is repeated, then a meeting will be set up between the principal and the adult concerned. 
When the adult involved is a senior staff member, the involved parties will immediately meet with the principal to discuss and document the incident.

When children are abusive to adults 
Any staff member that sees or becomes aware of abusive behavior, harassment or bullying from a child to an adult will assess the situation and intervene if appropriate. When the teacher intervenes, the child will be made aware that their behavior is hurtful and not tolerated in our school.  The head of the department will also be briefed about what has happened.
If any adult feels they are being exposed to abusive behavior, harassment or bullying from a child, they need to tell the child’s teacher or principal immediately.
If the issue is not solved or if the behavior is repeated, the process will be documented, the school´s principal will be informed, as will the parents to the children involved. A plan of action will be discussed.

When adults are abusive to adults
Any staff member that sees or become aware of abusive behavior, harassment or bullying from an adult to a child will imediately intervene. The staff member will diffuse the situation, take the adult aside, away from the children, and if possible discuss with a third neutral party present why their behavior is not tolerated at this school. The pricipal will be informed and the incident will be documented.
If the behavior is repeated, then a meeting will be set up between the principal and the adult concerned.
When the adult involved is a senior staff member, the involved parties will immediately meet with the principal to discuss and document the incident The respect & loyalty expected between staff members is also extended to the principal

 Quality control of our Equality Plan 

The Equality Plan is a living document that will be revised yearly by a group consisting of staff and parents.  All relevant information will be assessed and documented. 
The Equality Plan will be clearly displayed, available for parents to read.

All staff will be informed of any changes or developments in the Equality Plan and parents will be informed through the PSA.  

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