Dear all!
I am really happy that we are now able to share our ideas and activities
via our new blog!
I´m sure this Blog will give everybody a great opportunity to participate
and be part of our world!
Welcome to our digital playground! :-)
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Tulips - construction room
The Tulips got to do some interesting activities in the construction room such as building, constructing with all different sort of materials and playing with building tools and sand. The tulips were really excited about all the activities in the construction room, especially this lovely sand sensory activity.
Lpfoö98: Develop their curiosity and enjoyment, as well as the ability to play and learn.
School Wide Working Plan
Futuraskolan International Danderyd
School Wide Working Plan 2014/2015
2014-09-27 School Wide Working Plan 2014/2015
At Futuraskolan, the national steering documents are the basis of all of our activities and we are constantly at work discussing and developing our work in relation to these documents. Our vision is to be ”the best stepping stone for future global citizens”. We strive towards this vision by giving our children and students ”a head start”, ”good values”, ”a promise”, ”healthy habits” and ”fun”. These priority areas come from school law and curricula, they permeate our work both centrally in the company as well as in each unit when we develop and evaluate our activities. It is also on the basis of these areas as well as the underlying fundamental condition ”balance” that we have formulated our six goals for the overall activities. 
The company wide strategic plan is developed by the managerial body in collaboration with heads of preschools and principals. In turn, the heads, together with their staff, develop their own strategic plans for their preschools and their schools, respectively, in accordance with the same structure.
During the spring all our preschools and schools establish local work plans for the respective team/department. These work plans shall be linked to the strategic plan of the preschool/school. The strategic plan and local work plans are qualitatively evaluated continuously throughout the year. The evaluation takes place at workplace gatherings once a month according to a given pattern. The managerial group, the principals, also perform continuous evaluations in connection with management meetings. During the spring term a quantitative evaluation is performed in the form of questionnaires for staff, students & parents.
A Head Start
The children and students at Futuraskolan will have a head start in life by from the start having a global perspective, a broad insight into and understanding of other cultures and a good knowledge of the English language.
We give our children and students the very best qualifications to meet a changing future world by using proven international programs.
The children and students at Futuraskolan will have a head start in the global world
Where we are now
Futuraskolan International Pre-school Danderyd is a multicultural pre-school based on the a Swedish National Curriculum and IPC-EY- International primary curriculum early years where there is a balance between nurture, development and learning. Children and staff at Futuraskolan are very international and come from all over the world. We see that as an incredible asset because we are able to acknowledge different cultures, different backgrounds as well as the importance of accepting each other´s differences by teaching acceptance, respect and internationality. We are all equal worthy and our differences are a great tool to prepare the children to become citizens of the world. Our unifying language at the pre-school is English, but we are able to support children in 13 different languages: English- Swedish- Portuguese- Spanish- French – Greek- Persian – Italian – Yoruba- Creole- Persian - Arabian - Norwegian and Danish
We have just started working with our theme based learning curriculum (IPC) and have therefore prioritized this area to assure that we are working systematically with it in conjunction with the Swedish Preschool Curriculum. The staff have chosen the theme “Olympics”, “Animals” and “Let´s pretend” . We will divide the themes in different age groups and we will give time for follow-ups and evaluations. All the departments have their own IPADS and we are now looking forward to reinforcing the use of IPADs in pedagogical activities with the children and pedagogical documentation. We will focus on the development of our skills and understanding of this new technique.
Focus for the coming school year August 2014- june 2015
1) During the coming year, we have plans to make sure we develop the Pedagogical learning environment in every classroom but we will even create theme rooms in order to increase and develop our learning. The theme rooms we will develop this year are: Science room, Gym, Pretend room, Dining-room, math room, Construction room and Water room.
2) We are also going to continue to improve our Pedagogical learning environment by developing every classroom in the pre-school and we will even create a special classroom for the 5-year -olds where we will be able to start with the phonetics.
3) Another goal is to be sure we will use the Ipad as a teaching/learning tool for teachers and children .We want the children to be able to interact, create and develop their it-knowledge, once again preparing them for the world which is very it-focused nowadays.
Regarding the staff we want them to use the IPAD also as a documentation tool and we will try to make digital portfolios for the kids with pictures and films.
4) As we are introducing the IPC-EY,we will focus in using the IPC as a tool in order to achieve the goals of the Swedish pre-school curriculum.. These learning goals will be clarified all over the pre-school so all the pedagogues will be sure about what is expected from us. We will continuously reinforce the norms and values as well as the academic goals described in the Lpfö98 revised 2010.
Activity list
Due Date
Develop the entrance of the yellow house
Adriana & teachers
30th october
Develop the GYM in the basement so all the children will have one more theme room where they can develop their motorical skills , dance and music
15th december
Fix the Diaper room in order for it to be more practical and beautiful
Adriana & Daisies teachers
30th december
Paint and decorate the dining-room so we can also use it as a mingle area at the pre-school
30th november
Fix the lightning outside in the front yard and parking lot to ensure safety
30 November
Teachers will have 2 hours planning a week in order to prepare the IPC activities
All staff
every week
The theme work should be documented and visible in every child’s portfolio. Every department will send pictures and films from the children to all the parents together with the weekly newsletter.
Team leaders
This should be done all year round
Observations will be done every week following the different goals of the Lpfö98
All the teachers
All year round
Good Values
Futuraskolan has strong and vivid values. The words of value that principally characterize our culture are Progressiveness, Energy and Respect. 
These values shall permeate our entire activity.
The children, students and staff at Futuraskolan think, feel and act in accordance with the PER values.
Where we are now
We are a very enthusiastic and progressive group. We have started to follow the world´s trend in education by introducing an international curriculum IPC as a learning tool. But we want even to develop our learning pedagogical environment and focus on creating new theme rooms. We want to create opportunities when all our groups will work together and share ideas and experiences.
We are a very enthusiastic and progressive group. We have started to follow the world´s trend in education by introducing an international curriculum IPC as a learning tool. But we want even to develop our learning pedagogical environment and focus on creating new theme rooms. We want to create opportunities when all our groups will work together and share ideas and experiences.
The themes for this school year are: “Olympics” and “Let´s pretend” and “Animals”.
We want the Sunflowers to cooperate with the Flamingoes and Peacocks groups from Maskinvägen to share ideas about the theme they have in common “Olympics”
We want the Tulips and Daisies to work together with Penguins and Ducklings from Maskinvägen and share ideas about the theme they have in common: “Animals”
They will be using SKYPE in order to talk to each other (Teachers and Children) and share experiences
Company Goal 12/13
Pre-School’s goal
Best practice
Pre-School’s Result 11/12
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At my workplace we work activley with Futuraskolans vision and values PER
I stand behind Futuraskolans vision and values (PER)
Focus for the coming year
During the school year 2014/2015, we will continue to work and make the PER values more visual in the pre-school. The staff, besides working with the children will also be involved in different projects and act as mentors for the rest of the staff. Right now we have mentors for: PLEM Pedagogical learning environment and ICT.
During the school year 2014/2015, we will continue to work and make the PER values more visual in the pre-school. The staff, besides working with the children will also be involved in different projects and act as mentors for the rest of the staff. Right now we have mentors for: PLEM Pedagogical learning environment and ICT.
We will delegate and create groups that will focus on : Equality plan, Child safety, fire safety, working environment, math and language.
Activity List
Due Date
Our PLEM mentor and ICT mentor will participate in all the workshops offered by Futuraskolan
Adriana PLEM Mentor ICT mentor
All year round
We will decide 1 day a week when children can connect to each other during circle time(Using it-technology) with other groups from Maskinvägen
All year round
The principal will follow-up and evaluate every department´s working plan together with the staff to see what is done and what needs to be improved
All year round
A Promise
At Futuraskolan we have a promise: Every child is visible, challenged, and successful. Everyone has the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills according to their own prerequisites. That is our promise..
The children and students at Futuraskolan reach their full potential
Where we are now
Since august/2014 we have started to follow the units from IPC and we are still creating our schedules and routines in order to make a pedagogical learning environments for the children. We are dividing the week in a way that teachers will cover all the academic goals from the Lpfö98 as well as creating new possibilities for better learning.
Company Goal 12/13
Pre-School’s goal
Best practice
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At my school we see and challenge every child
Focus for the coming year
We have a lot of work ahead of us and must delve into the pedagogical environment so as to offer more opportunities for the children to influence over their learning. There is also a need for discussions to develop and anchor our understanding of our unified pedagogical approach in order to further the children’s influence, development and learning.
We have a lot of work ahead of us and must delve into the pedagogical environment so as to offer more opportunities for the children to influence over their learning. There is also a need for discussions to develop and anchor our understanding of our unified pedagogical approach in order to further the children’s influence, development and learning.
This year we will be working with IPC themes all over the pre-school and we expect to develop more collaboration, sharing of ideas and a unification of children and staff all over the pre-school in oder to give the best opportunities for the children
Activity list
Due Date
Adriana will fill in the schedule of the week in the white board in the dining room where staff are able to see what´s happening during the week- And make sure we will follow all our traditions and prepare for them
Adriana and Stephanie
Every week
Team leaders will meet every week to share information, ideas and increase pedagogical discussions
Team leaders
Starting in november
An unified decision will be made for the different materials we would like to offer the children as well as which materials will be available in the theme rooms
Adriana & staff
28th february
Work on a unified pedagogical plan to increase the children’s actual influence in planning and evaluation and documentation of all their activities
Adriana & staff
30 december 2014
Healthy Habits

Managing a whole day of playing, learning and being active takes a lot of energy, both for adults and for children. At Futuraskolan the food food is tasty, well-cooked and nourishing. All food is prepared from scratch in our own kitchens. We teach the children to eat right, exercise and make sure sure to spend a lot of time outdoors. We encourage our staff to have a healthy lifestyle.
The The staff, children and students at Futuraskolan have healthy habits
Where we are now
75% of the staff agreed fully or partially that the food at the pre-school holds a high standard. For the coming year it is our goal that 90% of the staff agree with this statement.
75% of the staff agreed fully or partially that the food at the pre-school holds a high standard. For the coming year it is our goal that 90% of the staff agree with this statement.
Our employees have great knowledge about healthy eating and living, most of them practice physical activities and for that we contribute with an amount of money every year. The goal for this term is also to offer capoeira classes for the children and also dance classes at least once a week.
We are also offering to take children to swimming classes.
These activities shall be available for the children during the day at the pre-school.
We need to have an unified approach to our pedagogical lunches. We will look over our routines, knowledge and tools that we use at the pedagogical meal time.
Focus for the coming year
During the coming year we see an extensive need to discuss how we can combine healthy eating with physical training for the children.We will be introducing dance and Capoeira for the children.
During the coming year we see an extensive need to discuss how we can combine healthy eating with physical training for the children.We will be introducing dance and Capoeira for the children.
Besides outings and training of motor skills outdoors, we want to invest in more activities indoors.
Among other things, we as adults are role models for the children.
We will continuously reinforce clear hygiene routines such as: Children wash their hands, use alcohol gel, sing before meals, serve themselves by the table, wait for each other, scrap their plates and help clean up.
Fruits are served during circle time and in the mornings and late afternoons.
During snack time we usually serve yogurt, cornflakes, sandwishes, porridge, etc
Activity List
Due Date
Create a regular activity at the pre-school that can promote health and happiness between staff members and children
Adriana and all staff members
30th october 2014
Introduce Capoeira and Dancing for the children
Adriana, Fernando
Starting 30th november
Create our gym in the basement of the yellow house
30th november
Build in and plan collective healthy and team building activities.
Adriana and Team Leader
30 december 2014
To us, the basis for learning is fun. That means that everyone should feel happy and feel a desire to learn. In order to achieve this we need good organization, clear structures and competent and dedicated staff.

Futuraskolan has satisfied staff, parents and students.
Where we are now
We are having a lot of meetings with parents and with staff members in order to have a better cooperation between the pre-school and home.
We will increase our PSA meetings (parent support association). Parents will meet every month with the principal and they will have an active influence in the pre-school documents and decisions. Every classroom has also a class representative and they are encouraged to promote activities even outside the pre-school. We feel that it´s important to promote a harmonic relationship between staff and parents for the sake of the children.
Competent, punctual and educated staff members are important components for sustaining the quality of the school. Attendance is also crucial.
Staff members with high number of sick leaves and absences will be followed closely. All our staff members are expected to show high work ethics.
During the coming year it is our goal to have at least one teacher with university education per department and the final goal is that all our staff members will have university education.
Focus for the coming year To further develop the transparency and influence for the staff as well as sharing the responsibilities in the pre-school, we will create a document where staff are sharing the daily responsibilities and tasks around the pre-school.
The sharing of responsibilities will be seen all over the pre-school. This is to promote fairness and equality! Everybody needs to contribute.
Staff members will also be given an area of responsibility and/ or a project group. Each area of responsibility will have a description as well as each project group. Every time a project group meets, they will take notes and give those notes to all the other staff members as well as participating at various staff meetings as needed.
We want to involve all staff members in different projects/activities and responsibilities.
Activity list
Due Date
The staff that still does not have an extra responsibility or project will have to choose between the areas that we need to develop
January 2015
In conjunction with the staff, develop projects and activities that will be done and celebrated during the pre-school traditions
Adriana & Staff
all year round
Make sure we involve parents in all the activities of the preschool
Adriana & Staff
All the time
The principal will need time to concentrate in Rektorsprogrammet
On going
Keep the PSA parents meeting every month and creating fun activities for the pre-school
Every month
All companies must have their finances in order, and so must we. It is important to us if we shall have the possibility to maintain high quality, to develop and constantly improve.
Futuraskolan has the financial stability for long-term quality development 

Where are we now
The economy of the pre-school is stabilizing at the moment.
We need to focus in a lot of administrative routines.
We need to try to receive money retroactive and if not possible at least start receiving money for children attending the pre-school right now. We need to create a network of contacts and new procedures that can help us to enroll international families and give them support with their paper work as the system offered by the kommun only help native swedish speakers.
Parents are our best marketers and we have families visiting us daily. The principal welcome visitors daily. They only need to call before and book a time!
If the principal is not at the pre-school to receive the parents, Stephanie will be the person in charge to do it.
Focus for the coming year
The principal will continue to offer visitors the possibility to come and see the pre-school daily ( as long as they book a time) This has proven to be the best way to recruit new children and parents appreciate this openness very very much ! That´s why we will also start doing it in Danderyd.
We will also create a Blog and keep it updated . This has also proven to be a good marketing tool for the pre-school Warfingesvägen.
The principal will also continue to call and invite the children /parents that are in the queue to come and visit the pre-school. This has been working really successfully at Maskinvägen.
Activity List
Due date
Monthly follow-up on student numbers.
Invite the children who are in the queue to come and visit
Pre-school Principal:
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