Tuesday, 17 May 2016


                             “MARKET DAY AND ART EXHIBITION EMOTION CRAFTS ”
Lilies continued their Market Day Crafts today and started making Emotion Crafts. Each child brought a plastic bottle from home which we filled with water. We added different food colouring to the water and put some glitter and beads to make it more decorative. In the end we glued different emotion faces to give a final touch to the crafts.

 We’ve been working with the following Lpfö goal:
develop their ability to build, create and construct using different techniques, materials and tools
develop their creative abilities and the ability to convey impressions,thoughts and experiences in many different forms, such as play,pictures,song and music,dance and drama

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


                                                PAINTING THE CASTLE 

Last Wednesday Lilies had fun  painting  a castle made of clay. We chose the castle as it is an integral part of any fairy tale and suits  our IPC Theme “Let's Pretend” very well. As Lilies enjoy painting, this was even  more thrilling as it was totally  different for them. Children even chose the colour they wanted to paint their castle. 

 We’ve been working with the following Lpfö goals: 

● develop their curiosity and enjoyment, as well as their ability to play and learn.
 ● develop their ability to build, create and construct using different techniques, materials and tools
 ● develop their creative abilities and the ability to convey impressions,thoughts and experiences in many different forms, such as play,pictures,song and music,dance and drama 


This morning the Tulips took advantage of the sunny weather. While having fun in the sun, we used clay to create our footprints. It tickled a lot! 
Lpfö goals: develop their ability to build, create, and construct using different techniques. 

Tuesday, 3 May 2016


We had a lovely time in the sun at the pirate park today! On the way to the park we talked about the cars we saw and their colours. We also noticed that there where animals out for a walk. We talked about the noises they make. At the park we enjoyed playing football as well as peek a boo and riding on the giant turtle! 

Lpfö goals: to develop their curiosity and enjoyment, as well as their ability to play and learn
To develop their motor skills. Ability to coordinate, awareness of their own body...

Monday, 2 May 2016


                                                           MAKEY- MAKEY 

Lilies learnt how to create music and different sounds by using Makey-Makey.
It is an invention kit to turn everyday objects into touchpads and connect them to the internet. It's a simple Invention Kit doing art, engineering, and everything inbetween.
In this all the kids hold the wires so that they are connected to the base. There is one kid holding the earth wire and becomes the lead, whoever he touches then makes a sound depending on the app we chose.
First we chose the piano and children could make notes touching his/her friends. Later we worked on the animal sounds and when the child touched his friend, they made an animal sound automatically as they were all connected to the base.
It was a lot of fun for the kids as they wondered how could they make music or make a sound of an animal just by touching each other. 

We’ve been working with the following Lpfö goals:

develop their ability to build, create and construct using different techniques, materials and tools
develop their ability to use mathematics to investigate, reflect over and test different solutions to problems raised by themselves and others,


Science experiment - Lava lamp 
The sunflowers made a science experiment using oil, fizzy tablets and food coloring creating their own lava lamps.

Lpfo: Develop their understanding for science in conection to nature as well as their knowlege of plants, animals and simple kemical reaktions and physical phenomenon.