The Lilies are working on recognizing patterns. We started working on making our own pattern. We cut a lot of small pieces of paper of different colors and each kid chose two colors. They had a grid and they tried to glue them in a sequence. They all really enjoyed this activity and showing their friends the pattern they had created.
Lpfö: develop their mathematical skill in putting forward and following reasoning.
Wednesday, 31 January 2018
Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances our outing this week had to be cancelled however we had an active but fun outing with the Tulips indoors. We danced and sang to one of our favorite songs ‘walking in the jungle’, we got to slide indoors, we got to dress up as princesses and dinosaurs, we even got time to do jolly phonics, we laughed, we cried and then we laughed again! 
Lpfo: develop their motor skills. Ability to coordinate, awareness of their own body as well as the importance of maintaining their own health and well-being.
Monday, 29 January 2018
Where do I come from? Finger paint
Sunflowers decided to create a common map of where do they all come from - we all put our fingerprint in the place of a country that we were born in. It was a lot of fun to see how far away from each other we were at some point, yet we're all in one room now. Sunflowers discussed which countries were their neighbours, talked about flags and their colours. They all liked picking the color to represent them and decided to paint their flags with fingers as well next. Well done, Sunflowers!
• feel a sense of participation in their own culture and develop a feeling and respect for other cultures
• develop their identity and feel secure in themselves
Monday, 22 January 2018
The sunflowers started to think about time and clocks. We looked at a clock together and talked about the hands. They then made their first clock out of a paper plate. It involved lots of cutting, gluing and numbers. We will go back to this as it is part of our IPC theme, Time and Space, Earth and Place.

LPFÖ: develop fine motor skills
Wednesday, 17 January 2018
Aaaaand we’re back!
This week we’ve had plenty of fun so far in both welcoming three new Tulips and rehearsing all that we learned last year. This all includes things such as Jolly Phonics, Montessori maths, baking which helps us learn more about both chemistry and quantity, how to enjoy ourselves in a group and indivually as well the important theme of how to enjoy ourselves while learning - and of course so much more! In the theme of our IPC, Our World, we’re focusing on our surroundings but also a lot on learning more about and working on developing ourselves, our autonomy, awareness, and independence.
Right now we’re in the middle of an ICT-week. Thanks to a wonderful opportunity we’re now introducing gadgets such as Sphero and Blue-bot to The Tulips. This week we’re taking the first step in learning more about the bots and further develop our already existing work with technology. Apart from the bots we’re continuously working with the ipads in multiple categories, such as Jolly Phonics app or learning more about shapes (filters) and space (get in front of the camera). We’re also learning more about the connection between technology and communication, for example through Skype (direct communication) or fun activities where we learn how information is transfered.
Next week we will continue the weekly work with mathematics, language, ICT, science, IPC, healthy living, and motor skills, with a larger focus on sensory.
Lpfö: develop their ability to identify technology in everyday life, and explore how simple technology works
Tuesday, 16 January 2018
This week Lilies Group works on Primary Colors. We used the 3 primary colors, Magenta Red, Blue and Yellow. We saw that mixing two colors together we obtained another new color. Mixing red and blue we had purple or blue and yellow, green.
Everybody picked 2 colors and all kids loved mixed them up!
We learned that all our colors come from just 3 colors...
Lpfö: Develop their creative abilities and the ability to convey impressions, thoughts and experiences in many different forms, such as play, pictures, song and music, dance and drama.
Monday, 15 January 2018
Patterns and Sequences
The Sunflowers started to make patterns using colored beads. We strayed by talking about the patterns on our clothes. Stripes, hearts, flowers. We then started to make basic patterns using the beads. Red, blue, red blue. From this the sunflowers were able to make more complex patterns using different colored beads and amounts.
Lpfö: develop their ability to distinguish, express, examine and use mathematical concepts and their interrelations
Wednesday, 10 January 2018
This week we worked on letter recognition. We used big letters, identified their sound and then the children had to find the matching small plastic letter. After we identified a few sounds we used those letters to form small words!
Lpfö: develop an interest in the written language and an understanding of symbols and communicative function.
Lpfö: develop an interest in the written language and an understanding of symbols and communicative function.
Hello Mum and Dad!

We are back!!
The Tulips are back in full force, more energetic than ever. New term with more learning but a lot of fun as well. This weeks outing was to the football field were the Tulips enjoyed exploring the frozen piles of snow on the ground as they climbed on them like a mountain. They also got to run around kicking the ball and trying to pass the ball to each other.
This week is still our welcome back week. Classes will officially resume starting next week.
With the new term starting, we would also like to warmly welcome our new Tulip members!🌷
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