Lpfö: develop their motor skills. Ability to co-ordinate, awareness of their own body, as well as an understanding of the importance of maintaining their own health and well-being.
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
The lilies
The lilies got to do their exit point to the forest in Altorp. They got to get on the train and it was only one stop from school. They got to explore the forest, they saw trees that had fallen down, a wooden house, a camp site and we also had a surprise visit to one of the kids house as they lived nearby. They got to jump around on the trampoline and explore the pool house.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019
The lilies
The lilies have had an exciting few days, on their outing, they got to get on the bus and go play at the park. The kids seemed to really enjoying the whole experience on getting on the bus which has been teaching them to be more independent. The lilies also enjoy doing puzzles during ‘down time’ to unwind or just before lunch as shown below.
Lpfö: develop their motor skills and develop their curiosity and enjoyment as well as their ability to play and learn.

The Sunflowers
Today the Sunflowers started to prepare for the summer party. This year the sunflowers will have the theme of Alice In Wonderland. They started to make decorations, painting a huge box to make a clock. 
Develop their creative abilities and the ability to convey impressions, thoughts and experiences in many different forms, such as play, pictures, song and music, dance and drama
Friday, 3 May 2019
The sunflowers
The Sunflowers got to do a painting activity that worked on all of our schools focus areas as well as developing their listing skills. Using the water colours they were allowed to paint what they wanted, using their fingers and were told an amount of Evan colour. For example, 15 red prints, 12 green prints. They also were instructed to add shapes and then finally write their name.

Lpfö 2018
Develop an interest in the written language and an understanding of symbols, and communicative function.
Develop their ability to distinguish, express, examine and use mathematical concepts and their interrelationships
Thursday, 2 May 2019
The lilies
The lilies had an exciting week looking forward to the Pajama Party and it finally came! Everybody including the teachers were all dressed in pajamas. We had popcorn for our mini slumber party. We listened to scary stories. We got our nails done as well as a face mask.

Lpfö: develop their curiosity and enjoyment as well as their ability to play and learn.
Tuesday, 23 April 2019
The Sunflowers
We spoke to the Sunfloweers about the afffect we have on the environment and what we can do to make a difference. They came up with lots of ideas such as biking to school instead of driving, not wasting food, recycling and reusing. Buying fruit aand veg that is not wrapped in plastic or without chemicals. They then took a picture on the iPad of the school and drew using sketch how to make it more environmentally friendly and efficient. They added more trees, double galzing, animals, solar pannals and flowers.

Loförklarade 2018
Develop their interest and understanding of the different cycles in nature, and now people, nature and society influence each other
Develop their ability to identify technology in everyday life, and explore how simple technology works
The lilies
The lilies today got to celebrate Earth Day by going for a scavenger hunt in the forest. The lilies got to pick up leaves, flowers, pinecones and sticks. They even got to see birds flying around and a ladybug! The lilies also got to pick up garbages they found lying around in the forest and we picked a few and threw them all in the bin on our way back.
Lpfö: develop their ability to discover, reflect on and work out their position on different ethical dilemmas and fundamental questions of life in daily reality.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019
The lilies
The lilies this week went on their outing to the forest. They got to walk in pairs and sang their favorite songs all the way there. They also got to explore the little forest walking through bushes and all the way up to the castle where they had snack and explored the castle grounds. On our way back we took a different route where they got to run around in an open field.

Lpfö: develop their motor skills. Ability to co-ordinate, awareness of their own body as well asan understanding of the importance of maintaining their own health and well being.
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
The lilies
Today the lilies had great fun exploring the different paint colors and making their own beautiful creations.

Lpfö: develop their creative abilities and the ability to convey impressions, thoughts and experiences in many different forms, such as play, pictures, song and music, dance and drama.
Monday, 1 April 2019
The Sunflowers
For this years Easter hunt the sunflowers children will make beading trays for all 63 children in the preschool. It’s a great and fun way to develop fine motor skills.

Feel a sense of participation in their own culture and develop a feeling and respect for other cultures too.
Tuesday, 26 March 2019
The Lilies
The Lilies had fun today. They practiced the leter g and b. e We gave different examples of things that started with this letters. The kids got to act out the story and practice the actions connected to them. Also we did a game with counting or learning numbers.

Lpfö: We want to develop an interest in written language and understanding of symbols and communicative functions.
To develop their ability to use mathematics to investigate.
Friday, 22 March 2019
The lilies
The lilies together with the tulips and sunflowers got to come to school wearing two different socks representing ‘World Down Syndrome Day’. It was a great fun but simple way to teach the kids about Down syndrome in that we are all different but the same.

Lpfö: develop an understanding that all persons have equal value independent of social background and regardless of gender, ethnic affiliation, religion or other belief, sexual orientation or functional impairment.
Monday, 18 March 2019
The Sunflowers
Today the sunflowers worked on patterns and sequences. They started by looking at the patterns on their clothes. They then went around the building looking for patterns and taking a picture. They then made their own patterns using letters, cutting and pasting colors and /or making bracelets.

LpFo 2019
Develop their ability to identify technology in everyday life, and explore how simple technology works
The Sunflowers
For maths day this year the sunflowers had a maths workshop where they could freely move around activities covering counting, size, shapes, division and subtraction

lPFÖ 2019
Develop their ability to use mathematics to investigate, reflect, over and test different solutions to problems raised by themselves and others
Develop their ability to distinguish, express, examine, and use mathematical concepts and their interrelationships
Friday, 15 March 2019
The Tulips
An outing with tulips on a sunny day to football ground was a great idea.Tulips got a chance to learn about themselves through self reflection. This outing expose their hidden talent .Playing outdoor Games is abrilliant way to enhance learning abilities in them.After a long cold weather in a bright sunny day this outing was good for their healthy physical development This outing help to acquire social skills attain motor skills and positive attitude.
Lpfo: develop their motor skills. Ability to co-ordinate, awareness of their own body, as-well as an understanding of the importance of maintaining their own health and well-being. 
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
The lilies
Working on our ‘Cookbooks’ for the upcoming market day!

Lpfö: develop their creative abilities and the ability to convey impressions, thoughts and experiences in many different forms, such as play, pictures, song and music, dance and drama.
Tuesday, 5 March 2019
The lilies
The lilies got to enjoy an amazing outing to the pirate park. They got to swing, slide, run around in the pirate house, they got to practice climbing and balancing. The kids got to enjoy a walk there and a walk back singing and learning to walk on the walk path hand in hand.

Lpfo: develop their motor skills. Ability to co-ordinate, awareness of their own body, as-well as an understanding of the importance of maintaining their own health and well-being.
Monday, 4 March 2019
The Sunflowers
The sunflowers got to develop Swedish language by working in groups on the Jaramba table. Today they focused on Swedish foods. The other children got to develop fine motor skills by coloring in quiver sheets. They then get their picture to come to life using the AR app quiver. The image flys or animated straight off the page!

LPFÖ 2019
Develop their ability to identify technology in every day life, and explore how simple technology works
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
This week the Tulips celebrated Vasaloppet in their own brilliant style, although they didn’t get snow to go skiing in they took part in a fantastic obstacle race. From running to throwing , from jumping too mooing like a cow as they crawled to the next station. We love to have traditions from abroad and here in Sweden and the children love to be involved especially if it means they can run around.

The day wouldn’t be completely without a break to grab a snack, they need to get their energy from somewhere , even if it does mean blåbarsoppar getting all over their happy faces.
At the end of all that they got a very well deserved medals.
Lpfö: develop their motor skills. Ability to co-ordinate, awareness of their own body, as well as an understanding of the importance of maintaining their own health and wellbeing.
Tuesday, 19 February 2019
The Sunflowers
The sunflowers are making bridges for market day. They got to pick any materials they wished. Using the hot glue gun and talking about what makes a good bridge. Today they put together their bridge structures. 

Lpfö 2019
Develop their ability to build, create and construct using different techniques, materials and tools
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
The Tulips
This week the tulips got to take over the iPads. They were in charge of photographing, filming and making their own piccolages , after a few logistical problems like holding the iPad and pressing buttons at the same time were worked around they got some great shots. Selfie mode was a group favorite, up the nose and double chin photos are very funny to the tulips.
LPFÖ: develop their ability to identify technology in everyday life, and explore how simple technology works.
Tuesday, 12 February 2019
The lilies
The lilies have been doing amazing as they continue to learn their jolly phonic letters. We have been through all the letters teaching them by telling them stories containing the jolly phonics letters as well as getting the kids to act out the story lines. We have now been revising the jolly phonic letters again from the beginning as practice makes perfect!
Lpfö: develop their use spoken of spoken language, vocabulary and concepts, as well as the ability to play with words, relate something, express their thoughts, put questions, and put forward their arguments and communicate with others.

Monday, 11 February 2019
The Sunflowers
Today the Sunflowers got to work on fine motor development activity making a valentine card. They cut and pasted scrap paper on to a card with the goal of making a valentine card.

Lpfö 2019
Develop their motor skills
The Sunflowers
Today the Sunflowers got to work on fine motor development activity making a valentine card. They cut and pasted scrap paper on to a card with the goal of making a valentine card.

Lpfö 2019
Develop their motor skills
Wednesday, 6 February 2019
The tulips
Chinese New Year !!!

This week the Tulips celebrated Chinese New Year, this year was the year of the pig. The tulips got to make their own pig masks using recycled materials, red thread ( red is a lucky colour in China). We also exchanged our little red origami envelopes with a lucky coin inside with friends and family wishing them happiness and good luck in the new year.
The tulips also got an extra special snack today ... “Chinese smiling sesame cookie balls” which they all loved.
Tuesday, 5 February 2019
The lilies
Today the kids got to enjoy celebrating ‘Chinese New Year!’ They got to enjoy a traditional chinese food eaten during the new year called the Chinese Smiling Sesame Cookie Balls! The kids got to take part in making the cookies from scratch last week and today they got to enjoy them during snack time.

Lpfö: feel a sense of participation in their own culture and develop a feeling and respect for other cultures.
Monday, 4 February 2019
The Sunflowers
Today the sunflowers were so excited about the heavy snow fall. As our IPC theme is “Houses and Homes” we decided to spend the whole morning and then late afternoon building an Igloo. We worked together gathering the snow and building. We will keep you updated on this project over the coming days.

Lpfö: 2018
Develop their ability to build, create and construct using different techniques, materials and tools.
Friday, 1 February 2019
The lilies
The lilies this week has been doing different Chinese New Year crafts and also baking traditional Chinese treats to prepare for the new year that’s coming up next week on Tuesday.

Lpfö: develop their understanding of science and relationships to nature, as well as knowledge of chemical processes
Tuesday, 29 January 2019
The Sunflowers
Today the sunflowers worked on their jolly phonics work books. They wrote down by hand all the sounds they already know and did worksheets.

LPFÖ 2018
With a mother tongue Otter than swedish, develop their cuöture identity and ability to communicate in both Swedish and their mother tongue
Tuesday, 22 January 2019
The lilies
The lilies this week got to enjoy the snowy weather! They have been enjoying fun activities like sledging and making snowmen. They even made snow cakes and snow cones!

Lpfo: develop their motor skills. Ability to coordinate, awareness of their own body, as well as an understanding of the importance of maintaining their own health and well-being.
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
The tulips
Today the Tulips were learning and exploring mathematics, working with shape, colour and amounts.

Always happily working together.

Showing off our new math understanding.
In groups using blocks we counted out ‘1’ , ‘2’ and ‘3’ althoughter. Being able to the amount of blocks helps us understand what the numbers mean. Of course afterwards working in our colours ‘red’ , ‘yellow’ , ‘green’ and ‘blue’ the Tulips made their own towers , some with more bricks than we could even count.
Always happily working together.
Showing off our new math understanding.
Lpfö goals: Develop their ability to distinguish, express, examine and use mathematical concepts and their interrelationships.
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