Wednesday, 29 April 2015


Sunflowers: Language and Jolly Phonics

Today was our language day  and the Sunflowers were introduced to one of the letters in the third Jolly Phonics group: O. At circle time they listened to the Jolly Phonics story and practised writing an O in the air with their finger. We mentioned words that begin with the sound  O such as “orange,” “octopus” and “oval” as well as the others  which have O in them, like “hot”, “mop”, “dog” and “pot”.  Then they  practised tracing the letter O. They  also revised the Jolly Phonics group 2 sounds and were invited to create an  -AT word family house where they had to think about sounds which can be put in front of an  -AT suffix to create new words, like “CAT”, “HAT”,”FAT” or even only “AT”.

We have been working on the following Lpfö goals:

“develop their use of spoken language, vocabulary, and concepts, as well as the ability to play with words, relate something, express their thoughts, put questions and put forwards their arguments and communicate with others.”

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