Monday, 30 January 2017


At the Math Circle Time, the Sunflowers practice addition using the brand new accounting machine!

The accounting machine works like this: in both sides are put numbers between 1 to 10. The kids tell if they know witch number is that and then they can add marbles according with the number.
All the children were able to show their abilities using the Montessori Math.

LPFÖ:  Develop their understanding of space, shapes, location and direction, and the basic properties of sets, quantity, order and number concepts, also for measurements, time, and change;
• Develop their mathematical skill in putting forward and following reasoning.

Thursday, 26 January 2017


Lilies are welcoming in the Chinese New Year with our extra special craft... Chinese New Years dragons!! The lilies did a great job creating dragons of all colors of the rainbow. 
Don't worry they don't breath real fire. 

LPFÖ: develope their creative abilities.... 

Feel a sense of participation of their own cultures and a sense and understanding of others cultures.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017


This week we had our outing to the football field. There was just a little snow left but we had fun anyway trying to climb on top of the snow "mountains" and then jumping down. We liked to run around in the large field together with our friends. We also played with the ball, kicking it very far away and then running to try to get it. Lpfö: develop their motor skills. Ability to co-ordinate, awareness of their own body, as well as an understanding of the importance of maintaining their own health and well-being

Monday, 23 January 2017


Mathematics circle time
During this weeks circle time we worked on tying numbers with quantities, making sure the meaning behind them is clear through sensory  game and whiteboard. We wrote numbers from 0 to 10 and counted right amount of fuzzy balls to go in respective row. All children really enjoyed it! Well done, Sunflowers!

• develop their understanding of space, shapes, location and direction, and the basic properties of sets, quantity, order and number concepts, also for measurements, time, and change
• develop their ability to distinguish, express, examine and use mathematical concepts and their interrelationships
• develop their mathematical skill in putting forward and following reasoning

Thursday, 19 January 2017


Lilies had a great time on their outing today painting in snow. We mixed some poster paints together with water and salt and draw some wonderful pictures. We really enjoyed it!

Goals Lpfö-98 rev 2010:
  • develop their motor skills,ability to co-ordinate,awareness of their own body.. 
  • develop their curiosity and enjoyment,as well as their ability to play and learn
  • develop their creative abilities and the ability to convey impressions,thoughts and experiences in many different forms.....

Wednesday, 18 January 2017


This week we talked a lot about animals.
We had so much fun playing with Lego animals, talking about their colors, comparing their shapes and sizes.

Lpfö: develop their understanding of space,shapes,location and direction, and the basic properties of sets, quantity, order and number concepts, also for measurement , time and change.

Monday, 16 January 2017


Snow making

Today Sunflowers were doing weather inspired science experiment - making snow out of baking soda and conditioner! We all got to help with measuring, mixing and getting the consistency right. Children really enjoyed the feel of snow that's not cold. We all got to play with it and form snowmans and snowy wonderland parks!

• develop their ability to build, create and construct using different techniques, materials and tools
• develop their ability to distinguish, explore, document, put questions about and talk about science

Wednesday, 11 January 2017


We started out this year by doing our outing to the pirate park where we tested our limits in the snow. We made and threw snow balls, counted and created piles, tested the swings and played hide and seek in the house. We tried running in the snow as well as balancing or jumping from the bridge. We also had our own bake off in the house kitchen. 

Lpfö: develop their motor skills

Tuesday, 10 January 2017


Lilies did a very interesting science experiment this week for which we needed a  large glass(clear cylinder ) water, oil, salt and  food colouring. We started  with a glass filled with water, poured  on oil which settled  on the top of the water, add food colouring ( just too make it look nicer) . Children took  turns pouring on some salt till part of the oil sank. Our discussion points were  : What is going on? Why do you think the oil floats? What will happen next ? Perhaps oil in water in the ocean?? Our Explanation Was : In the beginning of the experiment, the oil settled above the water because it was  less dense. When we  added salt  to the cup, the salt sank  to the bottom of the cup since it was heavier than the other two liquids. The salt carried a blob of oil with it. As the salt began  to dissolve in the water, it released the oil which floated  back up to the top.

Lpfo Goals:

  • develop their understanding of science and relationships to nature, as well knowledge of plants, animals, and also simple chemical processes and physical phenomena