Tuesday, 10 January 2017


Lilies did a very interesting science experiment this week for which we needed a  large glass(clear cylinder ) water, oil, salt and  food colouring. We started  with a glass filled with water, poured  on oil which settled  on the top of the water, add food colouring ( just too make it look nicer) . Children took  turns pouring on some salt till part of the oil sank. Our discussion points were  : What is going on? Why do you think the oil floats? What will happen next ? Perhaps oil in water in the ocean?? Our Explanation Was : In the beginning of the experiment, the oil settled above the water because it was  less dense. When we  added salt  to the cup, the salt sank  to the bottom of the cup since it was heavier than the other two liquids. The salt carried a blob of oil with it. As the salt began  to dissolve in the water, it released the oil which floated  back up to the top.

Lpfo Goals:

  • develop their understanding of science and relationships to nature, as well knowledge of plants, animals, and also simple chemical processes and physical phenomena

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